Passive voice (kalimat passive) sering di gunakan dalam
percakapan sehari hari dan maupun dalam buku bacaan. Dalam bahasa Indonesia kalimat ini sering di
kenal dengan imbuhan yang berwalan ‘Di’ (di marahi, dibajak, diberi d.l.l)
dalam kalimat aktif mungkin kita mengatakan demikian .
The teacher warned john for being late.
(guru memperingatkan john karena terlambat)
Tetapi kalau kita ingin mengubah kalimat tersebut kedalam
kalimat passive contoh
John was warned by the theacher for being late
(john di peringatkan oleh guru karena
Aturan aturan membentuk kalimat passive adalah sebagai
Kalimatnya harus mempunyai object (transitive
Object dalam kalimat aktif menjadi subject dalam
kalimat passive.
Kata kerjanya harus berbentuk ke 3 di dahuli
oleh to be (am is are , were was been)
Susunan kalimat menurut tenses.
Perhatikan lagi contoh di bawah ini.
The teacher wearned john for being late.
John was wearned by the
teacher foer being late
(subject yang
semulanya di depanpada kalimat aktif
dalam kalimat passive menjadi object)
Was dan wearned adalah kata kerja bentuk ke 3 . (past
Was : kata kerja bantu
Wearned :kata kerja beraturan (reguler verb)
John was wearned
by the teacher foer being late
Simple past tense adalah kalimat yang kejadian nya terjadi di masa lampau
(yesterday, last mont , last year )
Rumus : subjuct +was
/were + past participle.
Fire destroyed the house (apa itu merusak rumah
The house was
destroyed by fire. ( rumah itu sudah dirusak oleh api)
The police captured the thieves.
The thieves were
captured by police.
He returned the money last night.
The money was returned “by him” last night
Him : adalah kalimat object /kata ganti he
(dia laki-laki)
Mery took the book from the desk
The book was
taken by mery from the desk
The maidservent broke all the plates .
All the plates were broken by the maidservent.
bila pelakunya tidak
tentu seperti :by him, by his , by her, , by people by someone . maka pelakunya
boleh di hilangkan.
Apabila sebuah kalimat memiliki 2 kalimat object (object langsung dan object tak langsung) /
direct object and indirect object, maka kalimatnya mempunyai 2 bentuk pasif , perhatikan contoh
di bawah ini.
Active : john sent a telegram to his wife ( john
mengirim telegarm ke istrinya)
Passive :a telegram was sent to his wife by john.
his wife was sent a telegram by john. (telegram
di kirim ke istrinya oleh john)
A telegram : direct object ( object langsung)
His wife inderect object (object tidak langsung)